About Me
I've been fascinated by technology since I was a kid. My father, an electrical engineer, inspired me to continue to tinker, learn, and succeed.
Through a decade of military service, I picked up many perspectives on how technology permeates our everyday lives, and even more so, how it can be used against us when we are most vulnerable. This inspired me to focus on security, both physical and technological, for several years. I learned scripting, how HTTP worked, and how even the most robust security solutions can easily be broken by some clever and inexpensive social engineering.
My journey led me to today, where I develop secure software solutions that enable others to thrive. I have experience in back-end technologies/languages such as node.js, C#/ASP.NET, Entity Framework, and Python/Flask/Django.
More recently, I have been determined to take on front-end development as well, working with languages/technologies such as HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Bootstrap, Blazor, and Django.
I also picked up skillsets in other domains, such as server administration, ethical hacking, social engineering, machine learning, and data analytics.